The Origin of Our Name




No matter where you are in the world, the moment the sun sets is considered special.

It is in the moment, Before Dark, when people stop to watch the hard to describe beauty of the sun setting that we get our name.

Whether it be through the leather materials, product design, or hand crafting; we hope to present a product that invokes the awe of just “Before Dark”.

Kazuki Kasai


8年メーカーに勤めた後、2018年、宝塚市の清荒神にてBefore Darkを立ち上げる


2009 I returned from living overseas. It was during my time away that I was exposed to many different cultures, and made many new friends. After coming back to Japan, I found myself wanting to learn a craft that would allow me to express how I was changed by my time away. I chose to become a leather worker.

For eight years I worked for a leather company. In 2018 I started my own brand (“Before Dark”) and opened up shop in Kiyoshikoujin, Takarazuka.

we will work to build our shop and make it a place where interaction between people and exhibits happen.
